
TensorFlowmakesiteasyforbeginnersandexpertstocreatemachinelearningmodelsfordesktop,mobile,web,andcloud.,2023年2月24日—TensorFlowisanend-to-endopensourceplatformformachinelearning.TensorFlowisarichsystemformanagingallaspectsofamachine ...,TheTensorFlowModelGardenprovidesimplementationsofmanystate-of-the-artmachinelearning(ML)modelsforvisionandnaturallanguageprocessing(NLP),and ...,Anend-to-endo...

Introduction to TensorFlow

TensorFlow makes it easy for beginners and experts to create machine learning models for desktop, mobile, web, and cloud.

Introduction to TensorFlow

2023年2月24日 — TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. TensorFlow is a rich system for managing all aspects of a machine ...

Machine Learning

The TensorFlow Model Garden provides implementations of many state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) models for vision and natural language processing (NLP), and ...


An end-to-end open source machine learning platform for everyone. Discover TensorFlow's flexible ecosystem of tools, libraries and community resources.


TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. It has a comprehensive, flexible ecosystem of tools, libraries, and community ...

Use TensorFlow for explanations

The TensorFlow SavedModel contains your trained TensorFlow model, along with serialized signatures, variables, and other assets needed to run the graph. Each ...

淺談Google TensorFlow:結合人工智慧 機器學習和商業應用

2018年5月28日 — TensorFlow 之所以席捲全球,除了因為是免費以外,主要因為它(相對)容易使用,即使ML 初學者也可以接觸強大的函式庫,免於從零開始建立自己的AI 模型。

輕鬆學會Google TensorFlow 2:人工智慧深度學習實作開發 ...

輕鬆學會Google TensorFlow 2:人工智慧深度學習實作開發(第三版). 我要評鑑 · 試閱追蹤分享 ... Towards ...


2019年10月21日 — TensorFlow是一個機器學習框架。如果您有許多資料,並且/或您正追求AI人工智慧的最先進技術,例如深度學習、神經網路⋯⋯等等,那TensorFlow也許會 ...